Digging through the world wide web today, we found a great article on dealing with Stress, the wants and needs of getting high vs. wanting to get better. Denise Frank from All About CBD, had this to say about being a business owner and the stress that it may or can bring.
I tend to be very high strung. And for a while, I was juggling the corporate world and trying to kick-start a real estate brokerage. Sometimes panic attacks would ensue and I thought I was having a heart attack. I wanted a homeopathic remedy as I was tired of how prescription drugs made me feel groggy and robot-like, like I wasn’t even in my own body. I remember going back to the doctor because I didn't like how prescription A made me feel. And their solution was for me to try another drug.
So I dug into the internet and came across some research that suggested CBD helped with so many issues, anxiety being one of them. Fast forward a year, and I Think I‘ve ordered 5 or so different brands of CBD, some better than others, but one stood out.
Continue reading what stood out with Diana by Clicking Here: Original Post