When it comes to all the hype on CBD and Medical Marijuana, it's hard to find good information. But not just good information, information you can take with you wherever you go. Reading all things CBD, we belive we found a great article by holFAMILY. One that makes you stop and think...is this ok? Below is snip-it of what they had to say. Check it out a below and much more.
There’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to cannabis. Let's start off by restating that CBD and medicinal marijuana are not the same thing. Both come from the cannabis plant, but the difference lies in the active compounds called cannabinoids.
Cannabis is a flowering plant that has three well-known varieties – Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. For thousands of years, this plant has been used for a wide range of medicinal and industrial purposes. Cannabis contains over 80 chemicals called cannabinoids that each have unique properties.
Two of the most abundant cannabinoids are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is known for its psychoactive properties and is what gives people a “high.” CBD is non-psychoactive and is known for its calming and healing properties.
Over time, people began cultivating certain strains of cannabis with higher concentrations of THC for recreational purposes. Marijuana plants are high in THC with smaller amounts of CBD.
You may have heard the term “hemp oil” and wondered what hemp has to do with CBD. Cannabidiol comes from hemp plants that contain higher levels of this cannabinoid. In many cases, “hemp oil” is synonymous with CBD oil, but hemp oil can also refer to a plant-based oil used for cooking and as a vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids.
To see more on this. Check out the original post here: holFamily